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Role of SLSI in the Single Window


Sri Lanka Customs launched the National single Window on 01.01.2016 fulfilling their responsibilities while providing a common platform for other Border Agencies to connect. However, the importers and exporters could not yield the maximum out of this initiative since other Agencies did not have well developed computer systems to fulfill their obligations. SLSI decided to take active role in this regard, and with the assistance of ICT Division of Sri Lanka Customs the development of a new system has been started during June, 2016.

This web site with web service and various interfaces for importers has been set up in order for changing their experience in dealing with SLSI. Under this new system importers are required to submit only the data items what has not already been submitted with the Customs Declaration if the data loaded from a Customs Declaration. In such cases, whatever data element declared on the Customs Declaration are automatically sent to SLSI.

How new SLSI System could be used .....

Contact SLSI IT Division to obtain your user credentials to visit the website since this is a protected site.You could not only submit your import notifications online but also will be able to see the progress of your application. You can file a new application without filing Customs Declaration. If your choice is to file new notification without using a CusDec you can opt to retrieve data already sent in an earlier application.

The Potential benefits of using the new system:

This allows reuse of already submitted data when filing a notification and this may make your filing a lot more easier. Viewing the progress within SLSI and email notifications requesting more details or payments will be another facility. Easy filing of the payment receipts online reduce the number of visits. Eventually the Approval of SLSI is sent to Customs automatically while notifying you.

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